Understanding your Night Vision Scope Options

Whether you want to hunt, take part in a game, or go on a recon mission, you’re going to need a reliable and rugged night vision scope. Your scope is literally your eyes in the field, letting you see further and detect more precisely than your weapons scope or your eyes can do alone. The only problem: there are dozens of options, so how will you find the right fit?

Here at Night Vision Rentals, we understand night vision technology: it’s our calling, our job, and our passion. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you find the right night vision scope for your next rental:


1) Decide on a sight or a mounted scope.

Some night vision scope styles look a lot like any rifle scope – only bigger. These sights are dedicated night vision equipment. They are ideal if you’re going to be hunting in low-light or dark conditions only, with no daytime activities. They will give you superior night vision because they have more sophisticated lens systems and can make more use of even limited amounts of light. The IR Hunter 35mm is an example of a dedicated sight.

Other night vision scopes work with your rifle scope, either mounted before your day scope or attached right to it. The advantage of these scopes is you can remove them so you can have a scope for day and night missions. It’s a good set-up for camping trips and overnight trips, where you might be shooting in both light and dark conditions.

If you’re looking for flexibility, look for this type of day/night setup. If you want to be mobile and will not be shooting at long lengths, the lighter and smaller size of day/night devices can also make it easier to move around. Check out the NiteSite Eagle for an example of a mounted system offering flexibility and ease of use. This scope lets you spot targets up to 500 meters away.

2) Look for packages offering more gear. 

When you rent a night vision scope, you may need it alone or you may need to use it as part of a set of equipment for hunting or a weekend expedition. If you don’t need just the scope, packages can be cost-effective and may help you get quality equipment all designed to work together.

For example, the marksman package from Night Vision Rentals comes with the NVM-4 and Scope – nothing extra to weight you down. The NVM-4 and Scope work perfectly together so they’re ready for your mission. Tough and rugged, the ATN NVM-4 Monocular gives you the high light gain and clarity you need, with a built-in infrared illuminator for very low light. With the scope, the system gives you many hours of hunting or recon time.

3) Consider renting to go for the highest quality gear.

Scopes vary – from wimpy optics to the type of technology that could make a pro drool. The best scopes cost thousands of dollars or more, but you don’t have to spend that kind of cash. When you rent, you can enjoy the highest class of night vision scope for your mission. If you need something more robust, you can rent it and try it out for a fraction of the cost. You may be so impressed you never end up going back to those other so-called night scopes (you know the ones – the knockoffs with the small price tags but without the features you really need).

For example, when you rent, you can give the ThOR Thermal Weapon Scope a try. Made by the best-in-class designers at ATN, these scopes are what the U.S. military use on their missions. When lives are on the line, our commanders trust this technology. Shouldn’t you?

Small enough to fit in your hand, the ThOR Thermal Weapon Scope has mil-spec lenses and digital menus that allow you to customize your options. You can even use full-color mode with this device, ensuring you get the crispest view possible

If you want to rent a night vision scope, goggles, or any other night vision equipment, contact Night Vision Rentals or use our website to rent what you need. Just reserve the dates and gear you need and we’ll handle the rest. Our made-in-the-USA company is a family-owned business, established by two brothers who grew up hunting and going on expeditions. We test our equipment and carefully monitor all our inventory so it’s always clean, maintained, and ready to go. Our team also stays on top of the latest technology, so we can bring you the best and greatest – as well as the tips you need to use your equipment correctly.

Our goal is to offer you the quality innovations military personnel, law enforcement, and the pros use. We believe you deserve the same high level of functionality, ease-of-use, and lightweight night vision technology they have. Why not try the latest equipment for your next mission?