Who Needs a Night Vision Solution?

Owls, cats, and other animals have the advantage of being able to see at night. We don’t. If you want to be able to hunt in low light conditions, complete recon missions, or just walk through the woods without stumbling, you’re going to need some night vision technology.

Luckily, night vision gear has come a long way over the years. Of course, by night vision technology we at Night Vision Rentals mean the real deal – the stuff pros use. The PVS 14, for example, offers great depth perception and clear images. A variety of mount options let you keep your hands free and allow you to move quickly. The ATN NVM14 offers an objective lens, an eyepiece, and an Image Intensifier Tube for high-quality images.

Short of turning into a cat, a night vision rental gives you the best chances of seeing at night.


So who wants to rent night vision goggles, scopes, and thermal imaging equipment, anyway? The reality is it’s people just like you. Some of the people who turn to night vision rental include:

1) Property owners.

Do you have livestock or pets near your home and are worried about predators? Do you have a larger property and see evidence of poaching? With night vision rental services, you can get the equipment you need to see what’s really going on when the sun sets – so you can take action before the situation gets out of control.

Whether you need to contact authorities or need to call in a few hunting friends to take care of predators on your property, a night vision rental helps you keep safe. If an issue only crops up once in a while, it may make no sense to invest in night vision equipment. A rental, on the other hand, lets you rent the best professional-quality recon gear when you need it.

If you’re tracking coyotes or other predators, you need night vision scopes or goggles to see what you’re doing and where you’re headed. Renting a night vision scope is the smartest way to prevent crashing through the woods at night and getting yourself injured. With the right equipment, you can spot coyotes, poachers, and other dangers hundreds of feet away, meaning you get to stay safe while you decide what to do.

2) Hunters.

Some animals simply are better hunted at night or in the early morning, when light is low. Whether you’re hunting hogs, deer, turkeys, or other prey, you’ll want to rent night vision scope or goggles to help you out. With night vision equipment, you can easily spot your prey at hundreds or even a thousand feet away, improving accuracy and reducing the chances you’ll come home empty-handed.

3) Survivalists.

People interested in learning how to survive in the wild or in extreme conditions are often interested in night vision scopes and equipment. Whether you’re stocking up against all eventualities or just enjoy knowing you can survive in the woods if you absolutely had to, renting thermal imaging scopes and other gear let you try before you buy. If you just want to try survivalist training for a weekend, rentals also make a lot of sense.

4) Adventure seekers.

Love the idea of seeing the woods at night? Want to experience a whole new challenge? Paintball, hiking, camping, and other outdoor adventures take on a whole new tenor under the stars and far from city light pollution. Unfortunately, all that darkness, while fascinating, can also be dangerous. Renting a thermal imaging scope and other gear lets you see where you’re going and allows you to experience the night in a whole new way.

5) Artists.

Night time photographers and artists may rely on night vision scopes or goggles to set up shots for their cameras or their sketchbooks. They may even use the equipment to take images.

If you’re a budding filmmaker, for example, you might appreciate the GoPro package from Night Vision Rentals. With a GoPro Hero4, mount, and Pvs-14 3, the package lets you film hands-free while you run through the woods. The camera package includes Canon® Vixia HF G20 camera and a PVS 14 so you can take stunning low-light shots.

6) Businesses.

Do you have an adventure tour operation? Are you a professional hunting guide? Do you offer bachelor night tours, survivalist classes, or other excursions in low-light conditions? Renting gear helps you impress your clients while keeping them safer in lower-light conditions.

Are you looking for a rental solution because you fall into one of these categories? Night Vision Rentals may be what you’re looking for. Started by two brothers, Night Vision Rentals is a U.S.-based company offers night vision rental services. We try everything we rent and we work hard to offer the old-fashioned American commitment to customer service that our clients demand. Check out our rentals today or get in touch to get the pro gear you need.